Emanate Health Same-Day Appointments and After-Hours Care Clinic
Receive care when and where you need it!
Need access to excellent providers today? Emanate Health offers same-day appointments with primary care providers across our locations. Give us a call at 626.732.8796 today!
Need flexible clinic hours to accommodate your busy schedule? The Emanate Health After-Hours Care Clinic in West Covina welcomes people of all ages for walk-in visits.
Your health is important. This is why we have made it easier to prioritize your health by expanding your access to top quality care provided in a safe, compassionate environment. Whether you have a chronic condition, a common cold or need routine preventative care, we are here for you when you need us and where you need the care.
For life-threatening injuries or illness, please call 911.
Same-Day Appointments
Multiple Locations
Call 626.732.8796 for an appointment today!
Emanate Health After-Hours Care Clinic
1135 S. Sunset Ave., #401
West Covina, CA 91790
Walk-Ins Welcome
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday, 5 - 8 p.m.
Saturday, 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.
We are here to help! If you have questions, please call 626.858.8577.